Esta semana, recomendamos la conferencia de Charles Correa llevada a cabo en 2006, organizada por el COAM.
A partir de la comparación entre edificios de Chicago e India, Charles Correa nos introduce en el significado, la relevancia y la influencia del cielo y el clima en su arquitectura.
‘In India, the sky has profoundly affected our relationship to builtform, and to open space. For in a warm climate, the best place to be in the late evenings and in the early mornings, is outdoors, under the open sky. Such spaces have an infinite number of variations: one steps out of a room into a verandah and thence on to a terrace from which one proceeds to an open courtyard, perhaps shaded by a tree or by a large pergola overhead. At each moment, subtle changes in the quality of light and ambient air generate feelings within us, feelings which are central to our beings. Hence to us in Asia, the symbol of Education has never been the Little Red Schoolhouse of North America, but the guru sitting under the tree. True Enlightenment cannot be achieved within the closed box of a room one needs must be outdoors, under the open sky.’ The Blessing of the Sky, Charles Correa.
El visionado del presente audiovisual en arquia/filmoteca es posible gracias a la colaboración y autorización del Colegio de Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid
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