WOOD DE TRAVERS_ Cuac Arquitectura


Desde europan-europe.eu

Cuac Arquitectura es un estudio joven afincado en Granada y que ha sido premiado en varias ocasiones por Europan. A continuación un extracto de la entrevista que les hicieron con motivo de su último logro.

«(…) 5. Today –within the era of an economic crisis and sustainability– the urban-architectural project should reconsider its production method in time; how did you integrate this issue in your project?

Of course, time plays a main role in architecture in the way the agents that are involved have their specific rhythm and opportunity. In the case of the Couvet project it seems as if the future had colonised the Eastern area of the site so we wonder what the future of the old Dubied plot will be. We took into account that a wide range of cultural and business activities (such as activities related to Lechere, high end artisans, subcontractors, artist studios or companies) could help the required renovation of the area. Over time, industrial buildings, workshops, warehouses, technical and administrative premises have been enlarged, converted or demolished. This whole situation involves the labyrinth where the present project is. (…)»

Acceder a la entrevista completa, aquí.


La Fundación Caja de Arquitectos se constituye como Fundación cultural privada el 23 de Mayo de 1990, con el objetivo de promover y fomentar fines de carácter cultural, social, asistencial, profesional y formativo en el campo de la arquitectura, la construcción, el diseño, el urbanismo y, en general, de todo aquello relacionado con la actividad de los arquitectos.

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