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José Luis Fdez. Casadevante “Kois” / Nerea Morán Alonso / Fernando Prats: Ciudades: lo utópico es pensar que todo va a seguir igual, published on (February 2019):

“The Clock of the Apocalypse created by the Atomic Scientists Bulletin during the Cold War to warn society about the risk of total extermination, sample from the 50’s, the minutes that remain before midnight, in other words, the end of the world. In all of history, 23:58 had never been marked on the clock as it had it its most recent evaluation. It is a clock whose job is to act as a wake up alarm for social and political consciousness, but also whose task has become fruitless, given that it appears to be impossible to wake up someone who only pretends to be asleep.”


Yayo Herrero, Marta Pascual i María Gonzalez Reyes: La vida en el centro.Voces y relatos ecofeministas (Life in the center. Voices and ecofeminist tales) Madrid, Libros en Acción, 2018


Idem. Pag. 14-16.


Idem. Pág. 17.


Idea attributed to Angela Davis


Catherine Beecher Stowe i Harriet Beecher Stowe. The American Woman’s Home: or, Principles of Domestic Science: being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes. New York: Arno Press, 1869.


Melusina Fay Peirce Co-operative Housekeeping; How not to do It and how to do It. Boston, James R. Osgood and Company, 1884.


Zaida Muxí Martínez: Mujeres, casas y ciudades. Más allá del umbral (Women, houses, and cities. Beyond the threshold) Barcelona: dpr-barcelona, 2018.


Jane Jacobs: Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades (Life and Deather of Great American Cities). Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2011.

Reflections on March 8th, 2019: for Feminist Cities

Text translated by Kaitlyn P. Delaney
Notas de página

José Luis Fdez. Casadevante “Kois” / Nerea Morán Alonso / Fernando Prats: Ciudades: lo utópico es pensar que todo va a seguir igual, published on (February 2019):

“The Clock of the Apocalypse created by the Atomic Scientists Bulletin during the Cold War to warn society about the risk of total extermination, sample from the 50’s, the minutes that remain before midnight, in other words, the end of the world. In all of history, 23:58 had never been marked on the clock as it had it its most recent evaluation. It is a clock whose job is to act as a wake up alarm for social and political consciousness, but also whose task has become fruitless, given that it appears to be impossible to wake up someone who only pretends to be asleep.”


Yayo Herrero, Marta Pascual i María Gonzalez Reyes: La vida en el centro.Voces y relatos ecofeministas (Life in the center. Voices and ecofeminist tales) Madrid, Libros en Acción, 2018


Idem. Pag. 14-16.


Idem. Pág. 17.


Idea attributed to Angela Davis


Catherine Beecher Stowe i Harriet Beecher Stowe. The American Woman’s Home: or, Principles of Domestic Science: being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes. New York: Arno Press, 1869.


Melusina Fay Peirce Co-operative Housekeeping; How not to do It and how to do It. Boston, James R. Osgood and Company, 1884.


Zaida Muxí Martínez: Mujeres, casas y ciudades. Más allá del umbral (Women, houses, and cities. Beyond the threshold) Barcelona: dpr-barcelona, 2018.


Jane Jacobs: Muerte y vida de las grandes ciudades (Life and Deather of Great American Cities). Madrid: Capitán Swing, 2011.

(Argentina, 1964) Vive en Barcelona y nació en Buenos Aires, arquitecta por la FADU-UBA en 1988 y doctora arquitecta por la Universidad de Sevilla en 2002; profesora del Departamento de urbanismo y ordenación del territorio de ETSAB-UPC. Entre 2015 y 2019 ha sido Directora de urbanismo, vivienda, medioambiente, ecología urbana, espacio público, vía pública y civismo de Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Especialista en arquitectura y urbanismo con perspectiva de género y feminista. Autora de entre otros: La arquitectura de la ciudad global (Gustavo Gili, 2004) Arquitectura y política. Ensayos para mundos alternativos (Gustavo Gili, 2011) y Mujeres, casas y ciudades. Más allá del umbral (DPR-barcelona, 2018)

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